sexta-feira, dezembro 01, 2006

Mythological Rap

All right, let’s go. Orpheus, where´s my harp?
Argonauts, greek mythology (No doubt)
I’ma send you to Hades. Kick it…

Sippin on some nectar, drinkin from that nectar
And i´m up-up-and-away, all along, past Icarus
I’m faster than the Pegasus, or even then Bellerophon,
And I can see from here above that old ass Mount they call Olympus.

I´m not quite sure you follow me: I lived the Heroic Age
Been to Elisium and to the stages, right here on Athens,
I invented, I create. See I’m like my boy Hephaestus,
I tamed the furies, and pinned Prometheus when I gave away the fire,
Take mine. It’s just a do as Hermes would. I ain’t paying it, oh no, I get my rides for free, I´m touched by Midas
( Speaks: ) It’s been too long since I’ve been swimming the Styx, I guess a silver coin does seem cheap now… (You know, I told you)

In my time I did love Helen (Well, who didn´t?), but then I loved so Aphrodite (So it figures)
You think you got my Achilles Heel? You gotta trust me, you’re misguided.
I got alliances; from the Trojans to the Spartans, and I even got some deals with Apollo and Poseidon
I ride with Argonauts (Right on), and I look for the golden fleece (Where the hell is it?), I got Athena as my girl (Not bad), And ambrosia for my meals (Tasty), I´m thessalian

(Etc, etc.)

*Entre parênteses significa participação, fora do ritmo padrão, porém dentro da melodia, de uma terceira parte. Ou seja: é o amigo rapper...Hahahaha. As vírgulas são menos recursos sintático-semânticos, e servem mais para indicar alterações no ritmo (que não está explicitado, mas poderia ser imaginado,

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

hahahahahahahaha :D

Muito bom! E o melhor de tudo são os seus comentários didáticos no final... ÓTIMO!

Iza :)